5 Critical Questions to Ask a Septic Designer Before Hiring Them

septic design

1. Are You a Certified Septic Designer?

Septic systems must be designed by a professional engineer or practitioner. Your local health authority requires you to submit a filing for the septic design before it can be installed and they require a stamp on the paperwork to certify that the work was completed by a certified septic designer. 

If you are building a new home or extensively renovating a home, your local municipality may require you to have a certified letter from a septic tank designer and the health authority prior to providing you with a permit. In these cases, it may be necessary for a new septic system design filing to be submitted as older systems may not meet the current regulations for septic tank and system size.

The health authority and your municipality will not accept septic designs or certifications from an unauthorized individual, so it is crucial for you to ensure that the company/individual you are hiring is certified to design a septic system or certify an existing septic system.

Eagle Lake Group is certified for septic design, where our septic system designs are high quality and are appropriately designed based on the conditions at your site.

septic design

2. When Can We Meet at the Site?

It is critical that the septic design company you hire actually visits the site to thoroughly investigate the conditions at the site so that a septic design that is suitable for the project is made. Even with the latest surveying technology and resources, it is not possible to research and understand the actual conditions at the site without being there.